DUI Checkpoints
DUI checkpoints are used throughout California to find and arrest drunk drivers. These checkpoints are commonly found on the highways or surface streets. If the symptoms of a DUI are noticed, the driver will be requested to step out of the vehicle and perform field sobriety tests at the scene.
The United States Supreme Court found in the case of The Department of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S., 444 (190) that DUI checkpoints do not violate the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures and sobriety checkpoints outweighed the constitutional rights of the individual citizen. It was ruled that interests of government in identifying DUI drivers, reducing the fatalities overturned, the intrusion of human privacy rights, and sobriety checkpoints, were acceptable.
This weekend, be smart and don’t drive if you plan on drinking. The cost of a using a car service is still much, much cheaper than a defending a DUI
Here are some planned checkpoints for Orange County and LA County