January 10, 2024

Family law changes in California for 2024 that aim to promote equality and support for families in the state.
Let’s dive right in:
- SB 848: Starting with SB 848, effective from January 1, 2024, it provides eligible employees with up to five days of unpaid leave following a reproductive loss event, such as miscarriage or stillbirth. This important law recognizes the emotional toll of such experiences and offers support to those affected.
- AB 524: Next up is AB 524, which adds “family caregiver status” to the list of groups protected by the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). This ensures that individuals caring for chosen family members receive the rights and protections they deserve in the workplace.
- AB 1090: AB 1090 aims to reform California’s child support laws, including increasing the maximum child support obligation, making enforcement easier, and providing more support for low-income families. These changes ensure that children receive the financial support they need for their well-being.
- SB 1100: SB 1100 introduces the California Uniform Parentage Act, modernizing parentage laws to reflect the diversity of modern families. It defines new legal categories for “parents” and “non-biological parents,” recognizing various paths to parenthood.
- AB 1847: AB 1847 requires child support payers to provide health insurance for their children if affordable options are available. This benefits both payers and recipients, ensuring access to essential healthcare services for children and reducing financial burdens.
- SB 978: SB 978 expands protections for domestic violence victims by extending the time to file restraining orders, broadening the definition of domestic violence, and increasing penalties for offenders. Law enforcement is now required to provide victims with more information and resources.
- AB 1947: Lastly, AB 1947 creates a new pathway to establish paternity for unmarried fathers. This law simplifies the process and ensures that children have access to their fathers’ rights, financial support, and government benefits.
In conclusion, these recent family law changes in California are a testament to the state’s commitment to supporting families of all backgrounds and adapting to the evolving dynamics of modern family structures. They aim to promote equality, provide necessary support, and protect the rights of all family members.
By staying informed about these changes, Californians can better navigate the complexities of family life in the state and enjoy the benefits of a more inclusive and supportive legal system.