“What made you want to practice law now?” My mentor asked me recently. Except it wasn’t really the right question. The question needed to be “What made me want to take private clients?” As in-house counsel for my company Ziba Beauty, I have been blessed to have only one client, yet there was part of me that wanted to do more than that. I truly wanted to be in service to others. It hit me that there were many who could be helped with my license rather than just one entity so, almost two years ago, I began taking on private clients.
It’s been an amazing journey. From wondering “who would really come to me” to “oh wow, I am glad I brought in my best friend to help with the load,” I feel that when the desire, learning, and trust are there, clients do come. It is a great feeling that I am able to help people with solutions that make a difference in their live. That’s not to say that they get the resolution they want, however they do get certainty for the future. And that’s why I took this on: to provide clarity where often there is none.
May 23, 2017