Because lawsuits are brought for a variety of reasons, many firms may anticipate to be involved in civil litigation, either as the plaintiff or the defendant. While it is preferable to attempt to limit your liabilities and interactions with the court system, there are instances when you must file a suit to exercise your rights or defend yourself against litigation filed against you.

You are sure to have numerous questions when you are in- volved in litigation, whether as a plaintiff or a defendant. Many litigants are concerned about how long it will take to conclude a civil case in California. The answer to this question will vary greatly depending on a variety of circumstances, including the complexity of your case and the level it reaches in the litigation process before it is eventually settled.

Civil litigation in California may be settled if the parties agree on a resolution that is satisfactory to all parties. The matter may also be heard in court by a judge or a jury. In some cases, one of the two parties to the case will be dissatisfied with the trial de- cision and will file an appeal. The length of time it takes to con- clude a civil litigation in California varies significantly depend- ing on whether the case settles, when it settles, and whether it is appealed or not. Some cases are settled within days of a lawsuit being filed, or even before a plaintiff files court papers to begin civil action. In certain situations, a settlement may be struck just before the jury’s decision, or even after the jury’s verdict while an appeal is pending. This means that even striking an agreement does not guarantee that your civil case will be resolved quickly.

Cases are more likely to be handled in a timely manner when the evidence indicates that either the plaintiff or defendant is likely to triumph and the other party just wants to concede some of the plaintiff’s demands in order to finish the case. Other factors that can affect the length of time it takes to resolve a case outside of these situations include the different types of evidence; whether an insurance company is involved; the risk tolerance of the plaintiff and defendant; the extent of potential loss or damage; and the parties willingness to reach an amicable compromise.